Gemstone Perfume Roll On - Spellbound | DARKOTHICA® Gothic home decor, gifts, art and more!

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Gemstone Perfume Roll On - Spellbound


Our favorite Spellbound scent, a magical blend of notes of amber resin, tobacco flower, raw honey, and cedar. With base notes of vanilla bean and palo santo.

This beautiful glass roll on with soothing stainless steel roller ball is blended with our proprietary Spellbound FO blend and coconut oil for a perfectly portable aromatherapy pick me up or as a personal perfume. Fulfilled by our friends at Evolve Botanica Co

Crystal Infusion of:


Black Tourmaline



10ML Glass Roll On Bottle

Ingredients: Coconut Oil, Onyx, Black Tourmaline, Carnelian, Fragrance Oil.

Spring, Springtime, Summer, Easter, Easter Basket, Mother's Day, Birthday Present, Wellness, Metaphysical, Crystals, Self Care, Self-care, Perfume, Essential Oils, Roll Ons, Witchy

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