Crow & Skull Duvet & Pillow Shams | DARKOTHICA® Gothic home decor, gifts, art and more!

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Crow & Skull Duvet & Pillow Shams


Darkothica crow & skull duvet has a light, soft, and silky feel. Create a unique gothic look in your bedroom with the full 3-piece set, or you can buy the duvet cover or set of pillow shams separately. Primary colors are dark gray, black, & white.

The duvet cover has a hidden zipper opening on the bottom to add an insert.  The pillow shams do not have zippers, but have an opening on the back for pillow inserts. 

Duvet Cover: 86" x 70" (Queen or smaller) Pillow Case: 20" x 30"

100% Polyester - 1 sided prints & backs are white - inserts not included

Production time: 5-6 business days - and an additional estimated 15-30 business days for shipping.

Design by Kayla Bailey

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