Spoiled Bat Color Accent Mugs-Yellow | DARKOTHICA® Gothic home decor, gifts, art and more!

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Spoiled Bat Color Accent Mugs-Yellow

Are you a spoiled bat? Or do you spoil a bat? Either way, these colorful mugs and our exclusive design make for a spooky cup of coffee and a spooktacular gift. 
  • Design is on both sides of the mug
  • Material: White Ceramic with accent color inside the mug and on the handle
  • Size: 11 Fluid oz.; 3.75" (H) x 3.25" (W)
  • Care: Dishwasher + Microwave Safe

Darkothica exclusive design by Kayla Bailey

**Note that color in photo is subjective and can vary slightly depending on each device and screen used to view this product.

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