Mad Tea Party Candle | DARKOTHICA® Gothic home decor, gifts, art and more!

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Mad Tea Party Candle


Mad Tea Party is a luxurious, upscale blend of almond macarons, vanilla iced cupcakes, black tea, lavender, marshmallows, and a hint of smoked wood. Handmade & poured in Coastal New Hampshire by small business Kauldron. Scent strength = Medium

6.5 oz Candle Burn time: Approximately 40 hours or more

Luxurious coconut apricot wax. Coconut apricot wax is a FDA approved creamy, buttery blend of coconut oil, apricot wax, and a tiny bit of food grade paraffin.  

Scent family: sweet, creamy

Mood: sugar cravings, afternoon tea

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