Tree of Life Doormat | DARKOTHICA® Gothic home decor, gifts, art and more!

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Tree of Life Doormat


 In a few words, the Tree of Life signifies wisdom, abundance, strength, growth, and protection; it also represents the eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Our Tree of Life doormat design also includes the elemental symbols of air, water, earth, and fire in each corner. A simple yet divine doormat to express your spiritual side to anyone who visits your home or office.

  • Size: 28" x 16" approx. .6" thick
  • Vibrant and Long Lasting UV Ink Printed Finish
  • Made from high-quality 100% natural coconut fibres, with a twisted coir structure to provide great strength, durability and reduce shedding
  • Non-slip PVC Backing to keep your mat in place
  • Pre-treated coir with a special coating to ensure the UV Ink STICKS better than other suppliers
  • PRODUCTION TIME IS APPROX. 3-4 BUSINESS DAYS, standard shipping estimated 5 to 7 business days.
  • Exclusive Darkothica design
  • color of mat may vary slightly on printed mat from photos

Care Instructions:

  • Spray your mat with a clear sealer (example: Scotchgard) to make it last even longer.

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