DEFECT-DISCOUNT-Screaming Souls Skull | DARKOTHICA® Gothic home decor, gifts, art and more!

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DEFECT-DISCOUNT-Screaming Souls Skull

$21.96 $51.24

Each screaming soul skull print is unique - from the face, to the back, and all around. Buy 2 or 3 and it will be like having a new skull each time. Images of ghostly screaming skulls with skeletal hands clutched to their skulls in horror cover these skulls. Please see all the pictures to experience how each skull can be different from the next.

Due to the print/wrap process and resin divots, each skull will have areas where the print didn't saturate completely, which shows as white in very small places. Each skull is wrapped differently and are not perfect, some don't complete the wrap on the back of the skull near the bottom. Again, each skull is different and awesome in their own way.

7" x 6" - solid resin skull - black and white print - glossy finish - NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS ON THIS ITEM.

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